Englisch - Auffrischungskurs 2 (A2.2)
Kurs Nr.: R502521

Thursday, from 07.30 p.m. to 09.00 p.m.
Beginning: September 20th, 2012. New End: May 23rd, 2013 (until further notice)
Rheinberg Schulzentrum, Raum-Nr. 039

There are no lessons on
October 11th, 18th (Autumn Holidays)
November 01st (All Saints' Day)

December 27th, 2012 (Christmas Holidays)
January 03rd, 2013 (Christmas Holidays)

March 28th (Easter Holidays)
April 04th (Easter Holidays)
May 09th (Ascension Day)
May 16th (organisatory reasons)

We have nine participants only. Therefore our class has 24 double lessons.

Arbeitsgrundlage des Kurses ist das neue Lehrwerk:

A New Start - Refresher A2, Cornelsen Verlag (ISBN 3-464-20238-8), ab Lektion 1


Letzte Themen und Hausaufgaben (Latest Topics and Homework)

Among other things we talked about the consumers' behaviour in supermarkets and the attempts to influence them. The keywords are shelf placement, i.e. eye-level shelving, waist-level, knee-level, and ankle-level. Click here if you want to read more.


Earlier Topics and Homework

Apr 25th, 2013 Among other things we talked about the consumers' behaviour in supermarkets and the attempts to influence them. The keywords are shelf placement, i.e. eye-level shelving, waist-level, knee-level, and ankle-level. Click here if you want to read more.
Apr 18th, 2013

We talked about the bomb attack at the Boston Marathon as well as about Margaret Thatcher's funeral.

While talking about exercise no. 1, we had a discussion about the auxiliary and the modal auxiliary verbs.

Apr 11th, 2013 We had one major question: who was Margaret Thatcher?
Mar 21st, 2013 Unfortunately, today's lesson has to be cancelled.
Mar 14th, 2013

We talked about the new pope and reminisced about the time when there were only three TV channels.

homework: read the texts on p. 8 and do the exercise no. 1.

Mar 07th, 2013 We finished talking about the present perfect simple tense. Next lesson, please bring the book.
Feb 28th, 2013

Apart from other things we talked about the Oscars, the film Argo, and the historic event it is based upon.

Click here for an article on the historical background

and here for an article about the movie.

Feb 21st, 2013 We talked about many things and with our exercise about the present perfect tense, we have come as far as sentence #10.
Feb 14th, 2013 We talked about many things like Carnival or job interviews. Next week we are going on with the present perfect simple tense.
Feb 07th, 2013 It was a wonderful one-to-one lesson. Next week it is business as usual.
Jan 31st, 2013 Unfortunately, today's lesson must be cancelled.
Jan 24th, 2013

We had a very lively discussion about celebrities in the jungle.

We started talking about the present perfect tense. Click here to download the information sheet and the homework about the present perfect simple tense.

Jan 17th, 2013  
Jan 10th, 2013 We finished the exercise on the verbs of perception. Next lesson we are discussing the second exercise, i.e. verbs that are not to be used with progressive tenses.
Dec 20th, 2012 We puzzled over a Christmas quiz and we sang 'Let It Snow' and 'Jingle Bells'.
Dec 13th, 2012

We talked about this prank phone call, which apparently led to the suicide of a nurse, and I must admit that I was obviously ill-informed about the locations: Kate was not hospitalized in Australia but in London. The call came from an Australian radio station.

We started talking about verbs that normally are not used with progressive tenses..

Dec 06th, 2012 We finished talking about the past tense.
Nov 29th, 2012 We started talking about the past tense.
Nov 22nd, 2012

We discussed the present tense, and there are still some sentences to be talked about. After that it is the past tense.

We also talked about Thanksgiving in the US.

Nov 15th, 2012

We talked a bit about president Obama's re-election and about the CIA scandal.

We also started talking about the present tense. Click here to get the information and exercise sheets.

Nov 08th, 2012 Unfortunately, today's lesson must be cancelled.
Oct 25th, 2012 We mainly talked about to do and to have as auxiliary verbs and the tenses that can be formed with them. We must still take a look at to be as an auxiliary.
Oct 04th, 2012 We realized the necessity of taking a close look at the tenses, so this is what we are going to do after the autumn holidays.
Sep 27th, 2012

We read the two texts on page 8, asked Yes/No-questions with 'to be', 'can', and 'have got', and we had a closer look at 'to be' and his present tense forms.

Besides, it is quite convenient when you have a garage and a driveway with some light. Therefore you do not only need lamps but things like a main distribution board (= Hauptverteilungskasten:), some cable sleeves (= Kabelmuffen), and some distribution boxes (= Abzweigdosen).

Sep 20th, 2012

As there were not enough books, we had a wonderful lesson with a lot of talking.